Today's Reason to Drink
Strange Brews: Natty Light
“Natty” (or “Unnatural Light,” as it’s also called) has long been the unofficial beer of students and the cash-strapped everywhere.
As the market analysts say,...
Boozing in the Big Leagues
Forget mom. Forget apple pie. The game of baseball is the single most recognizable symbol of our national heritage and character.
For well over a...
Episode 7: Old Crow and Miller Lite with Luke Schmaltz
Your hosts: Frank Kelly Rich (Founder and Editor of MDM) and Nick Plumber (Poetry Editor and Travel Writer for MDM).
Special guest: King Rat frontman...
Plum Brandy
P.G. Wodehouse— ”Plum” to his friends—is arguably the 20th Century’s finest writer of English prose.
He was certainly the funniest. Most famous for his creation...
Attack of the Mezcal Worms
My first taste of mezcal came on the heels of trying to force down a potent homemade batch of what was essentially botulism mixed...
Ten Greatest Alcohol Icons of All Time
The Striding Man
All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go
Johnnie Walker Scotch Whisky
Johnnie Walker's first foray into print advertising left something to be desired: the...
Crank Mail #1: The Ballad of Badaaaaass Billy Macdowell
It started innocently enough. A simple request for a link.
From: addiction
To: [email protected]
Subject: Add a link
Would you consider my site?
Bill Macdowell Founder: William...
The Dry Party
One advantage of being a third-party presidential candidate is that you can say outrageous things and get away with it. Still, it's hard to...
Juicing On The Job
There was a time when drinking on the job was not only accepted, it was considered one of the major perks of joining the...
Absinthe: The Return of the Green Faerie
“Ah! the Green Goddess! What is the fascination that makes her so adorable and so terrible?”—Aleister Crowley
Absinthe arrived at its station as the toast...
Episode 13: Locked Down and Loaded with Frank and Nick
Your hosts: Frank Kelly Rich (Founder & Editor of MDM) and Nick Plumber (Poetry Editor for MDM).
Special guest: The dreaded Wuhan Virus
Featuring: All manner of...
Soused Cinema
From the flickering beginnings of motion pictures to the multiplex-filling offerings of today, alcohol has played a major role in the movies.
In fact, the...
Art Industry Needs Whiskey
From 1935 to 1943, FDR's Work Projects Administration (WPA) pressed hundreds of unemployed artists into service creating silk-screen posters designed to inform and encourage...
The Drunks Of War
Societies possessing a robust and realistic attitude toward intoxication have produced mightier warriors than those which censure consumption.
This is true pretty much from the...
Behind the Formica Barricade
30 Questions with Jack Yaghubian II, Master Bartender and author of the Dim Light Bar Guide
1.) What are five things anyone who walks in...
The Great Drunk: Lushing Large with Jackie Gleason, Part 1
Jackie Gleason drank up life in huge, full-throated swallows — straight-up, no mixer, and the tab was on him. And when I say life,...
The Founding Drunkards
Soon after they're born, American's minds are stuffed with interesting and inspirational stories about their nation's Founding Fathers. These men are a large part...
The Greatest Drunk on Earth: Andre the Giant
Do you have a favorite drunkard?
Some amazing man or woman, past or present, who stands colossus-like atop the Big Keg, the ground below littered...