Today's Reason to Drink


Four Nights in Philly

It’s the “City of Brotherly Love” and also the city whose football fans actually booed Santa Claus. One   of its nicknames is “Sleepy...
Martini Madness!

Martini Madness!

The following account may startle you. And it may save you from a horrifying fate. In the 1950s a sinister new menace swept America. Spawned...

All Hail the Piano Bar!

You can’t pump your fist in the air to rock favorites forever, although Lord knows, some boomers and busters will try.   There are those who...

The Dry Piper

William Wilson was, by his own account and those of others, a degenerate alcoholic. After a quasi-religious epiphany, he “cured” himself and went on to...

Episode 6: Bourbon and Beer With Brian M. Clark

Your hosts: Frank Kelly Rich (Founder and Editor of MDM) and Nick Plumber (Poetry Editor and Travel Writer for MDM). Special guest: Noted libertarian misanthrope...

The Politics Of Drinking and Driving

PLACERVILLE, CA —Richard Moody isn’t in favor of driving drunk; he’s just opposed to hysteria. He organized a local effort to make it clear...

Drinking Along The Nile

We human types have been scribbling history for perhaps 5,000 years, but we’ve been making fermented beverages for at least twice that long. The...
Dead End Drinks

Dead End Drinks

The alcohol industry is forever foisting new “sensations” on the drinking public. They come and go. Designer vodkas flash and fade like hastily assembled boy...

Best Bar

During my long tenure as a callow youth, few things excited me more than charging from bar to bar in hot pursuit of that...

Drunkus Maximus

Bibamus moriendum est. Death is Inevitable; Let's Get Drunk. —Roman Aphorism Turn on the news or flip through a magazine and you are confronted with stories of greed,...

Barhopping Through History

Ever wonder what it would be like to drink in the great watering holes of yore? Well, pack your flask and climb aboard the...
Van Gogh

Drinking with Van Gogh

My guest arrived early. A mere nine days after I'd placed my order with an online absinthe supplier, my package—deftly slipping through the hands of...
Natty Light

Strange Brews: Natty Light

“Natty” (or “Unnatural Light,” as it’s also called) has long been the unofficial beer of students and the cash-strapped everywhere. As the market analysts say,...

Rummy Rebellion

The Volstead Act became law on January 17, 1920. At the stroke of midnight, America was legally obligated to dry up tighter than a Pentecostal...

Why We Drink

And why so much? Just where the hell do we get off getting loaded all the time? Do we really need a reason? In...

A Killer Drink

What you drink can say a lot about you—for better or worse. It seems that, with astonishing frequency, murderers tend to be connected with...

Episode 13: Locked Down and Loaded with Frank and Nick

Your hosts: Frank Kelly Rich (Founder & Editor of MDM) and Nick Plumber (Poetry Editor for MDM). Special guest: The dreaded Wuhan Virus Featuring: All manner of...

Columns and Regular Features

Booze-Soaked Fiction

Adventures with Alcohol

All the Pretty Pictures

How To Articles

Drunkards of the Issue

Inebriate Interviews

Clash of the Tightest

The Great Drunks

Historical Hooching