“It’s not day drinking if you’re still up from last night. It’s second-wave night drinking.”
Unknown gent, who probably spent too much time in school, studying the urban coastline at the Dive Inn.

“I see better when I’m drinking. When I’m drunk, I see everything.”
Dave H., taking it all in at the Whiskey Bar.

“I am very good at dealing with the insane. The secret is not to coddle them, but to keep them off balance. Once they find their feet, they attack.”
Mr. “Longtall” keeping it real outside the Badger.

“I never had a family until I picked up a gun. I mean the Corps. When I put down my gun, I lost my family. Now I have these fools.”
Tone “With an E” talks down present company at Lion’s Lair.

“One of the best feelings in the world is when you get your tab and it’s less than expected. That has never happened to me.”
Unidentified cynic signing the bottom line at the 404.

“It is the rum that leads me on, the wild rum that sets the saddest man to sing at the top of his lungs, laugh like a fool—it drives sensible men to dancing. It even convinces him to tell stories better left untold.”
Homer lays it down at the PS Lounge.

 “If you’ve got a lot of money, you can’t be an alcoholic. You’re only an alcoholic if you’re a broke-ass.”
Overheard at the Carousel Bar, NOLA.

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