Home Podcasts Episode 6: Bourbon and Beer With Brian M. Clark

Episode 6: Bourbon and Beer With Brian M. Clark

Your hosts: Frank Kelly Rich (Founder and Editor of MDM) and Nick Plumber (Poetry Editor and Travel Writer for MDM).

Special guest: Noted libertarian misanthrope Brian M. Clark.

Featuring: Mistakes Were Made, Hollywood: Town on the Go?, Drinking in LA, Nick Needs to Move Closer to the Goddamn Mic, Leave Johnny Depp Alone!, The 20-Pint Challenge, Sweet Convention Rememberances, Grappa: Enemy of Humankind?, When to Attend Mardi Gras, He’ll Flip Ya, Worst Poker Game Evah, Drinking Around the World, Weird Euro Mixers, Boozography, Yet More Beer History Revisionism, Booze Reviews: Shiner Ruby Redbird and Some Grappa a Neighbor Made in His Living Room, Shotgun Theory, Christopher Who?

Recorded in the Tiki Room of Modern Drunkard HQ after and while drinking a handle of Evan Williams Black Label, grappa, and various macrobrews. The top-rate song “Alcohol” by Leisure McCorkle.

Do you have a suggestion for a future topic of discussion or perhaps a specific drinking-related question to ask Frank and Nick? Send it to [email protected]


  1. hey guys when’s the next one coming out-not many things better than drinking some brews while listening to your podcast


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