Home Today's Reason to Drink February 10: The Scholastica Day Riot

February 10: The Scholastica Day Riot

On this day in 1355, what would become known as the Saint Scholastica Day riot broke out in Oxford, England. It all started at the Swindlestock Tavern, where two Oxford students accused the owner of serving substandard drinks. The students threw their drinks in his face and gave him a good thrashing, which led to retaliatory attacks by the locals. Outraged, 200 students descended on the town, spoiling for a fight, and were met by a mob of the less educated but more numerous townsfolk, who chanted, “Havoc! Havoc! Smite fast, give good knocks!” And give good knocks they did. Before it was over, 63 students and 30 locals lay dead. Which is why, instead of “taking it outside,” some bar disputes should stay in the bar.