Seattle hip-hop artist Kirk Dubb keeps his beat to the sound of beer bottles hitting the bar top, and raps what he knows best: Booze and more booze.
Why you drink so damn much:
I’m the Boozehound from the Puget Sound. I drink to celebrate, and it doesn’t take much. Drinking is the most fun you can have with your money. I love to go to a barroom/saloon/tavern/lounge, you never know who you’re gonna run into. A day not wasted is a wasted day.
The usual:
I start off with six whiskey and Cokes to get fired up, I look at them as calisthenics, I’m just getting warmed up. Then comes the buzz and I open up the Rainier floodgates and pound bottles of Rainier Beer ‘til close.
How much:
If I’ve had too many, I’ll have two more.
Drunkest ever:
Last Friday. I treat drinking like a sport and I consistently try very hard to out drink myself.
Surefire hangover cure:
Surefire? If you know, you tell me.
Best bar:
Favorite bars are like kids or girlfriends, it’s hard to pick one over the other, I love them all. I have 3 favorite stops, all in West Seattle. At the Maharaja the bartender Don Bogie has quite a show going on. It’s something you have to experience. The New Luck Toy I can stumble into and get down on the Karaoke. I like to keep on the move so I don’t wear out my welcome and I’ll hit another favorite, The Rocksport, cause they’re with me in the fact that I treat drinking as a sport.
Who you’d like to take on a bender:
John Belushi, Jenna Bush, Laura Bush.
Best quality in a bartender:
One that keeps the drinks coming ‘til I say stop or drop.
One that can’t spot a professional drinker. A bartender that never saw me drink before and gets scared and cuts me off because they’ve never seen anyone drink like that.
You’ve got 20 bucks:
I’d buy five cans of 211 Malt Liquor and an 18 pack of Rainier Bee. Then I’d build a fire, light a cigar and crank the boombox in the boondocks.
You got a million:
Now that’s what I like to hear. I’d rent a bus fill it up with friends and road trip it all across the country from bar to bar. We’d keep doing laps ‘til we ran out of money and had to hitchhike home. You got a million? Lets do it.
Would rather drink with God or the Devil:
I’d rather be George Thorogood and drink alone. I can’t see either one of them being much fun to drink with.
How do you know it’s time to stop drinking and go home:
I don’t know and probably never will.
Best beats to get bombed to:
The Kirk Dubb “Booze and Madness” CD. I’m telling you.
Which came first, the booze or the madness:
The booze definitely comes first. The madness level rises with my DPH (Drinks Per Hour).
You’ve drank with the Beasties and Kid Rock:
I outdrank Kid Rock, I outdrank all three of the Beasties. You’ve never met a drinker like me.
You’re probably the only rapper who has sampled Barfly and Foster Brooks on the same album:
I dig deep for my inspiration. I’m into anything to do with booze. Movies, books, records, etc. I’ve got people sending me cool shit to do with drinking all the time.
Name your style of hip hop:
I’m the wordsmith to the wasted. And its not just a couple songs about drinking, pretty much the whole album is tied to drinking.
The best and brightest artists are usually drunks. Why is that?
I’m not the best nor the brightest—yet. I’ve got a whole lot of drinking ahead of me, and when I get there I’ll let you know.
Check out Kirk’s brilliant brand of hooch hip hop at