Home Today's Reason to Drink June 16: Bloomsday

June 16: Bloomsday

It’s Bloomsday. Nothing to do with flowers. Celebrated across the globe since the 1920s, it’s named for Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of James Joyce’s novel Ulysses. Why today? Because June 16th is the day that the book takes place. Nothing unbinds the tongue like the sacred pint, Joyce liked to say, so the celebration usually entails heavy drinking of Guinness Stout and Irish whiskey, loud literary discussions, and wandering from pub to pub. And if you haven’t finished the book, and you’ll never convince me that you have, this would be a good day to take another stab at it. And speaking of unfinished business, if you haven’t bought your dad a Father’s Day gift yet, gift certificates are now available at gear.drunkard.com. We’ll email it to him pronto, or you can print it out yourself. It’s your chance to remind him why you’re his favorite child.