Home Today's Reason to Drink March 9: Charles Bukowski Ascends to the Dive in the Sky

March 9: Charles Bukowski Ascends to the Dive in the Sky

Twenty six years ago today, Charles Bukowski slipped past the bouncer and took a seat in the Great Dive Bar in the Sky. Not only did Bukowski write some of the greatest drinking novels and poems in human history, he lived the life. His pen was filled with the ink of experience, as they say. Top quote. “So I stayed in bed and drank. When you drank the world was still out there, but for the moment it didn’t have you by the throat.” True story. Diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer, Bukowski was told by his doctor that he would die if he took another drink. The news shook Charles so badly he immediately ducked into the nearest bar and sank a couple of beers to steady his nerves. He managed not to die, while drinking prodigiously, for another 40 years, finally filling a grave at the age of 73.