Home Today's Reason to Drink December 11: Blue Hawaii Tops the Charts

December 11: Blue Hawaii Tops the Charts

On this day in 1961, Elvis Presley’s album Blue Hawaii topped the charts and stayed there for five months. And what better excuse to finally make yourself (or better yet, harry your favorite bartender into making) a Blue Hawaii? This tropical cocktail predates the album by eight years, and was probably named after the same 1937 Bing Crosby song Elvis covered. Here’s how you do it: with ice, shake up 3/4 ounce light rum, 3/4 ounce vodka, 1/2 ounce Curaçao, 3 ounces unsweetened pineapple juice and 1 ounce Sweet and Sour. Pour it all into a tall glass and garnish with with a slice of pineapple or orange. If you find it a little sweet, as I do, don’t hesitate to cut back on the sweet and sour.