It’s Sammy Davis Jr.’s Birthday. Born in 1925, this wildly versatile entertainer, and you have you use that word because he did it all–he sang, he danced, he acted, he did comedy, he lived large, baby–this wild cat rode the cycle of fame and fortune up and down like a roller coaster and not only did he not complain, he clawed his way back on top again and again. Up, down, sideways, he said he always had a good time, that it was all just part of the ride. And, of course, he was a member of the coolest, swingingest, ring-a-ding-dingiest gang of them all, the Rat Pack. Top quote: “Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity.”
Sammy was the coolest cat around. The old saying ” Chicks wanted to be with him and the guys wanted to be him”. Rest well Sammy. God knows you need it after all the benders with Frank.